Growe Foundation’s bash at BMOCA draws Boulder’s food-culture elite
Bob Wells | Dec 5, 2009
WELCOMING. A cooking school student in Boulder, Angela Simon made us feel very welcome at Growe Foundation bash.
Many familiar faces, including Hass and Karen Hassan, Richard and Debra Foy, Bob Morehouse, Paul DesRosiers, Sylvia Tawse, Scott Gwozdz, Robert Reich and oh so many more. Great food from The Kitchen, a crush of close to 250 people, and, as the evening wore on, dancing upstairs at BMOCA in a beautifully decorated dreamland. Dress: from jeans to stiletto-heels party-finery chic. A beautiful party for a wonderful cause.
We’re shy on still pictures. But a video is coming, shot that evening and being edited by Lee Buric.
Meanwhile, you might enjoy watching this video wherein kids at Foothill School learn about gardening through the Growe Foundation’s “Garden to Table” program.