Equal pay for women: we’re still waiting

Linda Meric, Executive Director, 9 to 5, the National Assn. of Working Women

April 20th was equal pay day and around the country, and there were events in Colorado to mark the date. The event highlights the ongoing disparities between pay for men and women. Linda Meric is with the group 9 to 5, the National Association of Working Women. Linda helped found 9to5 Colorado in 1996 and served as the chapter’s Director until fall 2004 when she became 9to5’s National Director. She’s intereviewed by KGNU’s Maeve Conran.

Linda Meric of 9to5 on Equal Pay Day April 20, 2010 (MP3, 8 min 36 sec)
Click to play, right-click to download

Entire April 20, 2010 “Morning Magazine” on KGNU’s website: Play or download

Categories: Audio reports