City News

Former Council member recounts errors to date and suggests simplifying the project.

| Feb 14, 2010

For more recent Daily Briefing items, go to the new Index Page, which replaces this page

| Feb 14, 2010

Four panelists spoke Feb. 12 on plans for a "Transit Village" east of 30th St. Some prominent critics aren't yet on board.

| Feb 14, 2010

In talk to business leaders, City Manager says the future's bright, despite recession's bite.

| Feb 11, 2010

...meaning “yes” they’re working on it and “yes” you can still get ticket for "camping."

| Feb 8, 2010

City moves to replace a draconian state law. Toplessness is exempted. With video highlights

| Feb 3, 2010

A mayor impatient with blathering citizens tries, unsuccessfully, to rein them in.

| Jan 29, 2010

Council to start mulling a law Tuesday night. Hmmm. Let's think this over.

| Jan 29, 2010

CU researchers studying "green slime." It may be spread by fishermen. Ben Chambers video.

| Jan 26, 2010

22-minute video of an evening with local climate change experts on Jan. 17

| Jan 25, 2010