Leora Frankel

Students may have tipped the balance in City Council race

Who voted on Election Day? And: Did a last-minute surge of student voting deliver victory to the Coalition side?

In Dem Senate primary, Andrew Romanoff’s the one. And voting is underway.

Reasons to vote for Romanoff abound: strong against fracking, doesn't zoom around in private jets.

Coronavirus answers: floating in the sewage

Wastewater sampling shows promise of being an effective method of estimating the number of infected residents in a locale.

We’ve been trusting Colorado’s COVID-19 numbers. Should we?

The models suggest a positive effect from social distancing that seems almost too good to be true. But what if…

On a cold night, Council green-lights Opportunity Zone

After a quick question-and-answer dialog with a staffer, Council lifts the OZ moratorium by 7-1 vote.

The Great Opportunity Zone Debacle

Secretly embraced, voted on at midnight, a Trump-era investment giveaway will soon roll into Boulder.

Who will resist fracking’s powerful defenders?

Activists want a fracking ban like New York State's. But Colorado Dems succumb to industry's lobbying power.

Data show fracking wells pollute Boulder County air

Measurements at Boulder Reservoir verify high air pollution levels from oil and gas activity in nearby Weld County.

Colorado politics: thick as oil

Colorado Dems have long played kissy-face with the oil and gas crowd. Will this election year be any different?