Dan Culberson

“Chloe” raises questions about sexual fidelity

Despite stars Julianne Moore and Liam Neeson, it gets predictable.

“Ghost Writer” full of ominous surprises

Prime Minister was up to no good, Ewan McGregor's character discovers.

“Green Zone” a simple story with complex overtones

Matt Damon looks for WMDs in Iraq. They're not there, of course.

“The Messenger” a sober notification of war

Woody Harrelson is all quirky mannerisms in this drama.

Cheapskate brothers exchange same birthday card 37 years

Our Hotshots movie reviewer has a tradition going.

“Alice in Wonderland” designed to amaze rather than amuse

It's not the book you grew up with.

Scorcese’s “Shutter Island” is Disappointment City

Prison movie borrows heavily from other movies, and throws in a hurricane.

“Valentine’s Day”: Predictable and Sappy

Chock full of stars, and with a heart-wrenching ending.

Nothin’ good about “When in Rome”

A romantic comedy whose plot reaches new heights of implausibility.

“Broken Embraces” more interesting and terrific as it goes along

Pablo Almodovar and Penelope Cruz conceive a romantic mystery.