Jared Polis is such a good sport

| Aug 20, 2009


GLUG. Rep. Jared Polis accepts a hit on Stephen Colbert’s “beer bong.” Good call, Jared. Really.

Such a good sport! And good politician. While Channel 4 news ran a whole segment questioning Rep. Jared Polis’s wisdom in even agreeing to be a guest on The Colbert Report Aug. 17, we think he was very smart. Its viewers, after all, are the young people – Jared’s constituency for the future. As opposed to Channel 4’s constituency of the past (have you noticed the fairly consistent rightwing spin on their “political news” coverage).

When Stephen Colbert offered him a hit on a “beer bong,” Jared first said no thanks. But when Colbert produced the contraption, Jared must have quickly thought to himself, “Sure, why not.” Good call, Jared. You’re a politician for the future. Our future, fortunately. Jared made a point of saying that Coors comes from Colorado; in other words, another reason not to be a square and demur from the gag.

BTW, you can view the whole six-minute video segment on this Daily Camera page. Thanks, guys.